Archon logo rocket passing planet. Archon 48
Bringing Fans Together Since 1977
October 3-5, 2025
Doors open at 9AM
Gateway Convention Center, Collinsville, Illinois, USA

October 3-5, 2025 Latest Register/Lodging Featured Guests [Vendors/Panelists]
Archon Slideshow item 2.



Event Date October 3-5, 2025. Doors open at 9AM.

Booksellers Row Bookseller's Row is sold out.

Open Meeting Planning Schedule
2/19 6pm Grant's View Branch - 9700 Musick Rd., St. Louis 63123
4/22 6pm Thornhill Branch - 12863 Willowyck Dr. St. Louis 63146
5/27 6pm Thornhill Branch - 12863 Willowyck Dr. St. Louis 63146
6/21 2pm Grant's View Branch - 9700 Musick Rd., St. Louis 63123

Room Party Block Reservations Exciting News for Hosts of Archon Room Parties: We heard you! This year, Archon and the DoubleTree Hotel have put a Room Party Reservation Block in place! These rooms will only be available through a special process reserved for attendees who will be throwing an open room party on either Friday or Saturday night (or both, of course!). To book in the Archon Room Party Reservation Block, please email our Room Party Liaisons, Jason and Esther Halbert, at and they will take it from there! Please note that these rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis and we will release any remaining rooms in the block 2 weeks prior to the convention.

Event Registration While you encourage you to take advantage of online pre-event membership sales, when online sales have closed, you can purchase a membership at-the-door from Thursday evening until Sunday at the Gateway Convention Center. Doors open at Thursday: Opening at 7:00 p.m., Friday to Sunday: Opening at 9:00 a.m.

Special Dates

Future Event Dates (49) Oct 2-4, 2026.

Volunteering Volunteers Needed and Charitable items accepted year round.

MAR Departments will begin accepting applications for vendors.

Schedules The Gaming Book, Programming Schedule, and Tin Filker Songwriting Contest Announcement will be available in September before the event.

Archon in the Media

Chris Moody's Masquerade Photo Directory.

Archon featured in The Telegraph, Fox2Now, and RiverBender.

Archon Official Masquerade Photos by Mike Evans available.

Hallway Costumes, Masquerade, Art Show Winners: see Activities.

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Guests Extraordinaire

Archon Featured Guest of Honor. Guest Of Honor

Melinda Snodgrass
GoH Website

Melinda M. Snodgrass studied opera at the Conservatory of Vienna, graduated Magna cum Laude from U.N.M. with a degree in history, and went on to Law School. After 3 years as a lawyer, she realized she hated being a lawyer and turned to writing. In 1988 she accepted a job on Star Trek: The Next Generation and began her Hollywood career where she has worked on staff on numerous shows and has written television pilots and feature films. She currently has two television series in active development. In the prose world she writes for and co-edits the shared world anthology series Wild Cards with George R. R. Martin. In addition, she writes her own novels. She is working on a new fantasy novel, and her space opera, Imperials is available, and her Carolingian series has been completed and will soon go live. For fun she rides her dressage horses and plays role playing and video games.

Archon Featured Artist Guest of Honor. Artist Guest of Honor

Alyssa Winans
Artist GoH Website

Alyssa Winans grew up in Illinois, where she spent much of her time at the library, surrounded by science fiction and fantasy books. She learned to love art through drawing and making up characters with her childhood friend and went on to study Illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design. Her early career involved concept and production art for game companies. She later transitioned to corporate and book illustration work, and has been working on book covers since 2018. She is a four-time Hugo Finalist, and her work can be seen covering Nghi Vo’s Singing Hills Cycle and Moses Ose Utomi’s The Forever Desert series. Some hallmarks of her art are bright palettes, graphic compositions, and textured mark-making.

She currently works as an illustrator in the San Francisco Bay Area. When she’s not drawing, she spends time experimenting with fruit-based recipes and looking at cookbooks. Her newest hobby is trying to grow purple sweet potatoes from grocery store potatoes.

Archon Toastmaster Toastmaster

Keith DeCandido
Toastmaster Website

Keith R.A. DeCandido debuts his new urban fantasy series Supernatural Crimes Unit in 2025, published by the Weird Tales Presents imprint of Blackstone Publishing. He has written more than 60 novels, more than 100 short stories, more than 70 comic books, and more nonfiction than he’s comfortable counting. His extensive resumé of media tie-in fiction (for which he received a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009) covers more than 35 licensed universes from Alien to Zorro, and his original fiction also includes the acclaimed “Precinct” series of fantasy police procedurals, as well as urban fantasy taking place in New York and Key West. His pop-culture commentary appears regularly on the award-winning web site Reactor Magazine (formerly Keith is also a musician, an editor, a martial artist, a baseball fan, and possibly some other stuff that he can’t recall due to the lack of sleep. Find out less at his woefully inadequate web site at

Archon Filk Guest of Honor Website.Filk Guest of Honor

Tim Griffin
Filk Guest of Honor Website

STEM teacher, science entertainer, award-winning singer/songwriter, and the founding director (now emeritus) of Griffin Education (GriffinEd), a nonprofit team of musicians and educators creating and sharing peer-reviewed music and videos that teach young people (and grownups too!) about science, math, and history. All of Tim’s music is free online.

Archon Masquerade Master of Ceremonies.Grand Masquerade Master of Ceremonies

Kevin Dulle

First began his life as a costumer by creating costumes to compete in Halloween contests. Finding a love for the creativity and the challenge, he began competing in masquerade competitions in 1982 at Archon 6. Since that year, he has competed in numerous Sci-Fi conventions in the Midwest and won in two WorldCon competitions earning him the status of Master Class. Fond of satire and parody, Kevin's style manifested through playful characters created from foam that ranged from television, film, and comic books to original concepts. Many of his award-winning costumes included Harry and Larry, the Killer Tomatoes, Space Gumby, Billy and the Boingers (Kevin was Billy), the Mucklucklians; Space Police Shrimp, and Audrey II, from the Little Shop of Horrors. In 1996, wanting to stay involved and with a passion to help grow a new generation of costumers, Kevin moved from competing on stage to becoming the Stage Manager of the Archon Grand Masquerade for Sheila Lenkman, Masquerade Director at Archon 20. Each season the goal was clear and deliberate, to elevate the show and make the Archon Grand Masquerade the premier event to compete in that it has become. In 2018 with the passing of Archon’s most beloved MC, Vic Milan, Kevin was asked to step up to become the next Archon Masquerade’s MC, a role that comes with its own set of unique challenges and years of memories to face. And, as with the progression of all things, he redefined the role with his unique style, always paying homage to the memory of Vic. Just look for the podium dinosaur. As with this role change, he handed the reigns over to the next generation of stage management. As a lifetime artist, illustrator, and crafter, Kevin has put his talents into the world of costuming and competitions creating reality out of imagination and pushing others to become better if not from the act of creation, but by supporting them and challenging them to raise the bar. He realized long ago when he first stepped away from competing that the legacy of a costumer is not the costumes one creates, the awards won, or even the fame it created, but the support we, as costumers, give to the next generation to help them grow and create amazing and incredible wearable art.

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Registration, Lodging, and Location

Archon registration and lodging section image of happy robots.
Image: Dracofornax © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

This year's event date:

Friday, October 3 to Sunday, October 5, 2025.

DoubleTree Booking: Available soon, See Lodging tab below.

Event Membership: Available soon, See the Registration tab for details.

Select any item below to learn more about booking a room at our main convention hotel, DoubleTree, or purchase a membership for this year's event.



The Archon Committee and Staff believe that all Archon attendees should feel welcome and should enjoy their time at our convention. This includes attendees who have visible or invisible accessibility needs.

If you require assistance, support, or specific accommodations in order for you to participate in Archon comfortably and safely, please email us prior to the convention at or visit ConHQ in the Gateway Center during the convention and ask for either Con Chair.

The Archon Committee and Staff will:

  • Assume you are best judge of whether or not you have a disability.
  • Not ask you details or specifics about your medical history or disability.
  • Only determine whether or not a requested support or accommodation can be provided and
  • to what degree, to the best of our ability.
  • Treat you with respect at all times.

We are committed to continual improvement in providing full access to our attendees and welcome all feedback and suggestions in order to improve your experience.


All attendees at Archon are expected to treat other attendees, guests, staff, and the public with respect. Harassment of any kind, including physical assault, deliberate intimidation, stalking, unwanted photography, or unwelcome physical attentions, will not be tolerated. Based upon the facts of the specific situation an individual may be subject to one or more of the following:

  • A warning to cease further contact with the attendee.
  • Confiscation of the individual's badge and removal from the convention
  • The individual turned over to Collinsville, Illinois law enforcement

If you feel you have been harassed, please find the nearest Archon Security personnel (identified by an orange ribbon attached to their badge) or Archon Committee (identified by a black ribbon attached to their badge) for assistance. Any attempt to have an innocent person removed from the convention by falsely accusing him or her of threats will be itself treated as an act of harassment and will be dealt with appropriately. The responsibility for settling interpersonal disputes lies solely with the individuals involved, and Archon will not tolerate being used as a leveraging point in such disputes.

Who To Contact

If, at any time, you feel that your personal safety or the safety of others is in jeopardy, please contact:

  • The Collinsville Police Department in an emergency via 9-1-1.
  • The Collinsville Police Department's non-emergency phone number is 618-344-2131.
  • You may also go directly to security operations in room 441 of the DoubleTree Hotel or Con HQ (Show Office) at the Gateway Center to report an incident.


You will be free to carry and display your prop-weapon throughout the Gateway Center provided they meet our Weapons Policy Guidelines. You will also be able to "carry and display" your prop-weapons in the DoubleTree hotel without peace-bonding until 9 p.m. each night provided they meet our guidelines. Even though your prop weapon has not been peace bonded, you are expected to carry it in a responsible manner.

After 9 p.m., if you plan to be in the DoubleTree hotel enjoying the Dance and the parties, we ask that you return your prop-weapons to your room or have them peace-bonded by one of our Security staff.

No real fire arms are allowed at Archon. Pursuant to the Firearm Concealed Carry Act, 430 IL CS 66/65 concealed carry is prohibited inside Gateway Center or on its immediate property. See below. Simulated or prop-weapons are allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by security and in compliance with the following:

  • All prop-weapons must conform to federal and Illinois state law.
  • ll steel or metal edged weapons that are deemed capable of causing injury or damage must be peace-bonded in such a way that they cannot be drawn.
  • ll prop-weapons based off of a projectile weapon (Airsoft gun, Paintball gun, Nerf gun, etc.) must be rendered incapable of firing a projectile. Stock Airsoft guns should retain their orange safety tip.
  • As our Security personnel walk the hallways at Archon, you may be asked if they can inspect your prop-weapon to insure they are in compliance. If you do not want to have your prop-weapons inspected, or if you are not willing to comply with this policy, please do not bring your prop-weapons to Archon.
  • Should our Security personnel see you using your prop-weapon in a way that could harm others or damage property, you may be subject to one or more of the following:
  • Security will ask you to return your prop-weapon to your hotel room or vehicle.
  • Confiscation of your badge and removal from the convention.
  • If an injury or property damage has occurred, you will be turned over to Collinsville law enforcement.

Due to the congestion in the halls near the Dance, Hospitality, and Party area, all prop-weapons are required to be peace-bonded while in the DoubleTree hotel after 9 p.m. This is to prevent accidents to both your prop-weapon and your fellow convention attendees while trying to navigate the crowded hallways.

If you are unwilling to have your prop-weapon peace-bonded, please stay in the Gateway Center and enjoy our late night panels or, return your prop-weapons to your hotel room.

The Hall Costume Contest Staff will remove the peace-bonding from your prop-weapons upon request. You can then pose for pictures with your prop-weapons. The peace-bonding will need to be reapplied before you leave the Hall Costume Contest area.

We encourage you to visit the Collinsville area businesses as part of your Archon weekend, but please keep in mind the community outside of Archon may not always accept nor understand costuming. Please be aware your costume might cause alarm, so please act accordingly when not at the Convention.

Event Location

Image of the front of the Gateway Center in Collinsville.

The Gateway Convention Center is the official convention headquarters for Archon.

Gateway Convention Center
One Gateway Drive
Collinsville, IL 62234
FAX: (618) 345-9024

Local Traffic & Weather

St. Louis Metropolitan Area Traveler Information

ATM Banking Machine

Two (2) ATM machines are conveniently located at the East and West Main Entrances to Gateway Center.

Food and Beverages

No Outside Food or Beverage Policy: No food and beverage shall be brought onto Gateway Center premises except through Gateway Center's exclusive concessionaire. Any food and beverage items not approved by Center Management will be removed from the premises. Arrangements for catering must be coordinated and contracted through the Gateway Center's exclusive in-house catering provider.


All parking is complimentary at Gateway Center.


Gateway Center is located at One Gateway Drive, Collinsville, IL.

  • Traveling North on Interstate 55/70, take Collinsville Exit 11. At traffic light, turn left onto Highway 157/Bluff Road to Eastport Plaza Drive, turn Left. Continue to Gateway Drive, turn right. Gateway Center is located on your left.
  • Traveling East on Interstate 40 or Interstate 44, Take Interstate 55/70 North, to Collinsville Exit 11. At traffic light, turn left onto Highway 157/Bluff Road to Eastport Plaza Drive, turn Left. Continue to Gateway Drive, turn right. Gateway Center is located on your left.
  • Traveling East or West on Interstate 64, Take Exit 9 and drive North on Hwy 157, approximately 7 miles, to Eastport Plaza Drive which is located off Hwy. 157. Turn left on Eastport Plaza Drive, then right on Gateway Drive. Gateway Center is located on left.
  • Traveling North or South on Interstate 255, take Exit 26, Horseshoe Lake Road, Turn Left. Immediately turn right onto Eastport Plaza Drive and then left onto Gateway Drive. Gateway Center is located on right.

    By Highway:

    Access is remarkably easy and convenient. Five interstate highways, including I-55, I-64, I-70, , I-270 and I-255 intersect in the Collinsville area. Just take exit 11 from I-55/70 or exit 26 from I-255 and you are here!

    By Air:

    Lambert St. Louis International Airport is located about 30 minutes from Collinsville by car, bus or airport limousine. In addition, the new Mid America Airport in southern Illinois is located just 20 minutes away.

    By Mass Transit:

    The St. Louis metro area mass transit district, which includes Collinsville, is served by a combination of light rail, bus and train service. All are easily accessible from Gateway Center with bus stations on site and just minutes away.
Alien baby on toilet seat at DoubleTree Hotel at Archon.
Image: Dracofornax © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

Main Convention Hotel

DoubleTree by Hilton Collinsville
1000 Eastport Plaza Drive
Collinsville, IL 62234
(618) 345-2800
Hotel website

Booking a room at DoubleTree and Conditions

Important News from the Hotel

The Doubletree is planning renovations throughout the year, with the current schedule projecting completion before Archon. This means we can look forward to fresh new rooms this year. However, as the renovation schedule is still tentative, the hotel is initially capping the room block at 150 rooms. They will progressively open up more rooms as their renovation schedule becomes clearer. Notifications about additional room availability will be shared on our website and social media.

Once on the registration site you can adjust the dates of your stay, the number of rooms, and the number of people in each room. In order to make your reservation in this block, you must stay both Friday and Saturday nights. You cannot just make a reservation for one night. The room block is typically filled by January, so don't delay.

Rooms will often become available throughout the year, especially around August. The DoubleTree no longer maintains a waiting list. So if you really want a room in the hotel, you will have to keep trying to book through the link.

It is recommended you follow the link and make your reservation online, and not call the reservation phone line. The operators may not be able to access the room block, and may tell you the hotel is already full, as the management team has booked the entire hotel for our event.

Rooms at the DoubleTree are $125 per night (plus taxes).

You may also consider additional lodging list below that are nearby the Gateway Convention Center.

The DoubleTree will have several Archon events scheduled throughout the weekend, including the Friday and Saturday dances, some gaming, and various panels and Kaffeeklatches.

DoubleTree Payment Policy

Recently the DoubleTree Hotel, Hilton has recently implemented a ‘credit card only’ policy across the company and all of its properties including the DoubleTree Hotel. If you plan to stay at the DoubleTree, you will need to pay for your guestrooms with any major debit or credit card. They will accept pre-paid debit cards. Cash will still be accepted as a form of payment in Porter’s restaurant and lounge that weekend. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

DoubleTree Room Block Link

Official DoubleTree Room Block Booking Link (not active)

Facilities Coordinator


Room Party Gatherings

All room parties will be hosted here, on the ground floor just down the hall from the main hall. The courtyard and lobby areas have been extensively renovated and will be great for socializing throughout the weekend.

Except for the Courtyard, the public areas of the hotel's first floor will be designated NON-SMOKING.

You will be free to carry and display your prop-weapon throughout the Gateway Convention Center provided they meet our weapons policy guidelines. You will also be able to "carry and display" your prop-weapons in the DoubleTree hotel without peace-bonding until 9 p.m. each night provided they meet our guidelines. Even though your prop weapon has not been peace bonded, you are expected to carry it in a responsible manner.

Room Parties Coordinator

Jason and Esther Halbert

After 9 p.m., if you plan to be in the DoubleTree hotel enjoying the Dance and the parties, we ask that you return your prop-weapons to your room or have them peace-bonded by one of our Security staff.

Nearby Lodging

The hotels listed below, located in Collinsville, are within walking distance of the Gateway Center, but will not allow room parties. No official Archon events will be held at these hotels:

Alternate Lodging Options
A list of alternative hotels, within walking range.
Table of nearby lodging options
Hotel Address Phone
Drury Inn 602 N. Bluff Rd. 618-345-7700
Americas Best Value Inn 552 Ramada Blvd. 618-345-9500
Comfort Inn 8 Commerce Dr. 618-346-4900
Hampton Inn 7 Commerce Dr. 618-346-4400
Days Inn 12 Commerce Dr. 618-345-2000
Super 8 2 Gateway Dr. 618-345-8008
Fairfield Inn 4 Gateway Dr. 618-346-0607
La Quinta 6 Gateway Dr. 618-855-8400

Archon Membership

Archon rates are based upon the age of the attendee and not on the type of activities. Rates are reduced for persons under 21 in order to encourage Fandom in all of its enthusiasms, and to lessen any burden on whole families wishing to attend.

Archon is a volunteer run event by fans for fans. As such, we do not sell admission or tickets to the convention. Rather, we sell memberships to individuals that are interested in experiencing what goes on at Archon.

Single Day Rates are not available early. You must be at the Convention on the day you'd like to purchase the badge.

Online Pre-sale Rates (Full Weekend)

Online memberships are available to buy until 11:59 p.m. of September 15, 2025.

Purchase Membership (not active)

Pre-Sale Rates
Compare your age range with rate being offered during the date span.
Table of On-line Membership Rate by Date Span and Age
Age Date Span Rate
Adult (21+) 01/01/2025 to 03/31/2025 $55
Adult (21+) 04/01/2025 to 07/31/2025 $60
Adult (21+) 08/01/2025 to 08/31/2025 $65
Adult (21+) 09/01/2025 to 09/15/2025 $70
Young Adult (ages 17-20) on-going $35
Youth (ages 11-16) on-going $25
Child (ages 6-10) on-going $10
Young Child (ages 5 and under) on-going $0

Door Rates

Thursday: Opening at 7:00 p.m.
Friday to Sunday: Opening at 9:00 a.m.

Door Rates
A list of door rates for all ages and single day options.
At the Door Membership Rates by Age by Day
Age Date Span Rate
Adult (21+) Full Weekend $75
Friday Only $30
Saturday Only $45
Sunday Only $25
Young Adult (17-20) $35
Youth (11-16) $25
Child (6-10) $10
Young Child (5 and under) $0

One of the most frequent questions we have been asked is What happens if we purchased a membership and the convention is canceled? As with our existing refund policy (which has been in place for many years), you have options:

A complete refund of your registration fee. This includes regular membership, Dealers Room table fees, Booksellers Row table fees, and Creators Alley table fees OR Rollover your registration to 2025 (including items mentioned in #1)


Maureen Davis and Randy Davis

On-Site Registration

Located at the Gateway Center. During other hours, registration is available in the convention headquarters at the Gateway Convention Center. For more information, visit Con HQ. The hours will be:
Thursday 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.;
Friday 9 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.;
Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.;
Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Pre-Registered Attendees

Is my registration/ticket transferable?

Yes! Send an e-mail to Registration indicating who you want to transfer your registration to, along with their contact information, mailing address and age.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

You do not absolutely need it... BUT, if we have difficulty finding your badge or order, the order information on your ticket may enable us to find your order and help you get it taken care of.

Free Shuttle Service for Disable Guests

The Gateway Convention Center arranges for a shuttle to transport guests between the DoubleTree Hotel and the Gateway Center during the convention. Thanks to the Gateway Center's generosity, this service is FREE to Archon attendees. The shuttle will pickup and drop off at the main entrance to the DoubleTree Hotel and the east entrance (closest to Zapata's) to the Gateway Center. We hope this makes it easier to enjoy the convention for our guests. The shuttle will be running during the following times:

Shuttle Bus Schedule
The Archon shuttle bus schedule by day and period.
Gateway Center Shuttle bus Transport Schedule
Day Period
Friday 2 shifts of 8 a.m. to Noon and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Saturday 2 shifts of 8 a.m. to Noon and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Sunday 2 shifts of 8 a.m. to Noon and Noon to 2 p.m.

Archon T-shirts & Pins

Featuring original art by this years Artist Guest of Honor will be on sale in the convention center lobby. Be sure to purchase in advance to assure finding a shirt in your size.

Commemorative Pins are only available at the event.

Convention Headquarters (HQ)

The nerve center of Archon is in the Show Office at the Gateway Center. HQ houses the lost and found and acts as home base for Operations, Security and the newsletter.

Come here to report problems and/or get your questions answered. Remember though, the folks on the bridge are busy and probably understaffed. Make sure your reason for being in CON HQ is important or at least entertaining. Please do not socialize within this area to allow others easier access to the desk. Typically our hours are:
Thursday: 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.;
Friday: 9:00 a.m. to Midnight;
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to Midnight;
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Name and Identification Policy

Archon is a volunteer run event by fans for fans. As such, we do not sell admission or tickets to the convention. Rather, we sell memberships to individuals that are interested in experiencing what goes on at Archon. We do require our members' legal names (as would be listed on any government issued identification) and current address information for our records. We reserve the right to examine your government issued photo identification with your name and address before registering you as a member or releasing your membership badge from our pre-registration queue. This policy does not prevent you from using a "fan name", "nickname", or a "character name" on your badge in lieu of your real name. Although you may be issued an over-21 adult badge, you may still be carded if you attempt to purchase alcohol or security may ask to see your government issued photo identification if you are drinking in the halls.

Lost Badges

Please Don't Lose Your Badge! We cannot replace a lost badge. If, despite all your efforts to hang onto it, your badge becomes lost, please report it to the Registration team and convention headquarters as soon as possible. Once your lost badge is reported, you may purchase a new membership (unfortunately, at full price). As soon as your lost badge is found, we will, with a huge sigh of relief, refund your second purchase. We realize that this policy is, to say the least, draconian, but in the past people have 'lost' their badges by handing them off to a friend, so for that reason there will be no exceptions.

Lost and Found

Located in Con HQ during the event or by reaching, after the event. You will be asked to describe what you lost. Typically we keep effects for 2 years.

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Read, write, or both!

If you do read, make it a science fiction and fantasy book. Archon's roots are based in science fiction and fantasy literature.

You can find books to read online and off. Archon partners with Left Bank Books in St. Louis. offers another option, whatever works best for you.

Reading Group books are available at Left Bank Books in St. Louis, MO at a 20% discount.

Left Bank Books hosts a science fiction and fantasy reading club monthly.

Science fiction reading group, hosted by Left Bank Books, moderated by Mark W. Tiedemann. We explore novels that reflect the potential of SF as both intellectually challenging and excellent writing. This group meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month downstairs in the store at 7:00pm.

Questions? Send them to, or call the store at 314-367-6731.

Facebook Website

Left Bank Books Website

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Guides When the programming guide has been released. As always, our traditional paper Pocket Program guide will soon follow and be available at the convention. View the Programming Schedule, Panelists Profiles, or Pocket Program Guide

Archon features a wide variety of panels and programming is broken into tracks to help guide attendees.

Our full programming tracks include: Artist, Author / Craft, Author / Fan, Costuming, Fandom, General, Media, Science, in addition to several Gaming and Filk panel options as well.

The schedule is typically published the week of September 1st. Please resist sending emails requesting the status of the schedule prior to its publication.

As we get closer to the event, the programming schedule will be posted here, as well as on the Archon Facebook page and in the Archon Twitter feed.

Panel and presentation events will start at the top of every hour and will last for 50 minutes. A "5 minute warning" tone will sound in the Gateway Center when there are 5 minutes remaining in the current panel session. Events will be held at the Gateway Convention Center and the DoubleTree Hotel.

Archon uses Grenadine Event Management Software to publish the event schedule and manage Pro Guests and Panelists. Through the Grenadine mobile app, attendees can view the Archon schedule (once it's completed), and can even save items and build their own panel attendance schedule. The mobile app is also used to publish last-minute changes to the schedule. A paper Pocket Program is also published. In addition to the Grenadine mobile app, last-minute changes during the convention are published in the daily newsletter, on the Archon website, on the Archon Facebook Page, and on the Archon Twitter Feed.

Our Guests of Honor have designated autograph times in the main hallway. If you desire an autograph from one of our other Pro Guests, we request that you ask them at the end of their panels or check to see if they have a designated autograph time.


Programming Downloads for Event
Title Format
Grenadine Mobile App Google Play or the App Store
Program Schedule (pocket version) PDF (not active)
Program Schedule (web version) Web (not active)
Gateway Center Map #1 PDF (not active)
Gateway Center Chart PDF (not active)
DoubleTree Map PDF (not active)

Anticipated Panelists

Anticipated Panelists
Name Details
N/APanelist Web URL

Do you have a great programming idea? Would you like to be a panelist? Or like to have group meeting?

If you would like to become part of the program for Archon, read our Interested Panelists section below, email us, or visit us in the Programming Batcave in Illini B during the event.

Programming Coordinators

Patricia McFadden

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As we approach closer to the event, we will populate the Archon Activities and Departments sections below. Select on any section below to learn more.


Archon attendees in red and black costumes.
Image: Dracofornax © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

Children, teens, and those with a heart of a child are welcome to come join Youth Programming! We have several activities all weekend to come and enjoy. There are activities where you will be able to bring home what you made.

One of our most popular panels is Boffer Sword Making! You will be able to make a foam sword and learn a few techniques on boffer sword fighting.

We host a children’s costume extravaganza, so come show off your costume. We also have a Teen’s Cosplay Contest (ages 13-17).

Please note: Parents are encouraged to stay for activities. While we want everyone to have fun, Youth Programming is not a babysitting service.

Youth Programming Coordinator

Kristen Albers


Join Archon Filking for panels, Open Filking, the Tin Filker songwriting contest (subject announced here 1 month before the con) and a full line up of performers to delight every musical taste!

Jokepardy is now Fannish Jeopardy - same great game with a better name! For the sophomore year of the game we are looking for your suggestions. What categories would you like to see? (Please email suggested categories only, not questions within a category.)


The Tin Filker Songwriting Contest for Archon 48 is: TBA

The rules are simply - interpret the subject any way you're inspired to, but lyrics should be PG (or cleaner), and it can be an original tune or a to-the-tune-of. It must be written between Sept. 4th and the day of the contest, Oct. 6th; a minimum 2 verses and a chorus, or the equivalent thereof. Entries may be performed by the songwriter or someone else, but the song’s author must be present. The contest is on Sunday at 1:00 in the St. Clair room of the Doubletree. Happy songwriting!

The Filk track has come together - panels, one-Shots, a game show, open filking, and of course - concerts!

Filk Programming Track





Filking Coordinators

Sandra Greenberg and Mark Ewbank

Grand Masquerade

Without you, it's just a empty stage...

The Archon stage is specifically designed for our production.
Image: Sheila Lenkman © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

What is the Archon Grand Masquerade?

Well, it is a costume contest, where the contestants literally become that character for a brief while.They might be re-creating a favorite character from print, TV or film, or it may be something straight out of their imagination. Contestants in the Archon Masquerade can showcase their costumes in brief skits, musical numbers, or comedy routines, or simply let the Archon Crew create a setting and mood with state of the art LED lighting and full sound system.

When is the Archon Grand Masquerade?

Archon, Saturday night, at 8:00 o'clock in the evening. It is the big show at Archon, where all the cool geeky people go to see and be seen at the Gateway Center.

How do I participate in the Grand Masquerade?

Review the rules and expectations of being a participant in the masquerade under the Present at Archon section, under Grand Masquerade.

Grand Masquerade Director

Sheila Lenkman

Past Winners

Archon 45 Grand Masquerade Winners

Jr = Junior, N = Novice, Jy = Journeyman, M = Master

Performance Judging

Table of Archon 45 Performance Judging Winners
Award Rank Run # Title Participants
Best In Class
Jr 24 Beauregard from Critical Role Amy Minster
Best In Class
N 16 Princess of Hallownest Lauren CookSnail Scott
Best In Class Jy 12 Post-Apocalyptic Plaque Shaman Snail Scott
Best In Class M 21 A Menoptera Denise Dietsch
Judge's Choice for Most Romantic 6 Norse Pantheon Danielle Biship, Bri Lawter, Phil Bennett, Kevin Sweeney
Judge's Choice for Anachronism 5 Bad Timing Susan Eisenhour, Margaret Blakesley-Blom, Richard Blom, Rachelle Hrubetz
Judge's Choice for Uncomfortably Accurate 1 Relatable Content Vicky Assarattanakul, Catie Cherwin
Best in Show 3 Man Eater Ashley Counts, Mishel Weaver, Toby Holmes

Workmanship Judging

Table of Archon 45 Workmanship Judging Winners
Award Rank Run # Title Participants
Best In Class N 23 Jester Lavorre from the Mighty Nein Phoenix Mister-Gottfried
Best In Class Jy 12 Post-Apocalyptic Plaque Shaman Snail Scott
Best In Class M 17 Beneath the Bay of Innsmouth Pierre Pettinger, Sandy Pettinger, Karen Heim
Best in Propwork 9 Making Friends Steve Swope, Cathy Swope
Best in Detailing 22 Predator Joshua Bishop, Jordon Cakes
Best in Original Character 11 Hetrik Ironarm Bruce Mai
Best in Recreation from Media 10 Ahsoka Tano Rachel Wildermuth
Best in Paint & Makeup 7 Geralt of Rivia & Yennifer of Vengerburg Max Camero, Emily Biblitz
Best in Armor 15 Doctor Doom Michael Marnin
Best in Historical Recreation 14 Laundry Day on Frasier's Ridge Susan Leabhart
Best Group 5 Bad Timing Susan Eisenhour, Margaret Blakesley-Blom, Richard Blom, Rachelle Hrubetz
Best In Show M 20 Trials of the Jedi Knight Vera Campbell

Archon 43 Grand Masquerade Winners

Jr = Junior, N = Novice, Jy = Journeyman, M = Master

Performance Judging

Table of Archon 43 Performance Judging Winners
Award Rank Run # Title Participants
Best In Class
Jr 10 Fantasy Ochoka Uraraka Alexia Creason
Best In Class
N 21 Grey Knight Paladin John Bauer
Best In Class Jy 11 Bioshock Subject Delta Big Daddy Ariana Bauer, Aidan Bauer
Best In Class M 24 SnowBalls Dave Kanoy, Steve Swope, Susan Bien, Kelli Lynch, Ramona Taylor
Judge's Choice for Best Transformation M Just Smile Amanda Arthur-Struss
Judge's Choice for Audience Favorite M Rabbit Daren Bost
Judge's Choice for Best Recreation Jy Fraggle Rock Victoria Colville and Audrey Preston
Judge's Choice for Most Sweetest N Candyland Minna Gode
Judge's Choice for Original Concept Mary Skywalker wearing a Gauntlet and a Smile Mary Ellen Smith
Judge's Choice Most Wicked N Wicked Ones Rachel Wildermuth and Meaghen O'Connor
Honorable Mention Jr 1 Splatoon Inkling Connor Bauer
Best in Show N The Night Hunters Christine Bauschlicher, Casssidy Moran, Brian North, Cadence Forshee and Charles Bauschlicher

Workmanship Judging

Table of Archon 43 Workmanship Judging Winners
Award Rank Run # Title Participants
Best In Class Jr 10 Fantasy Ochoka Uraraka Alexia Creason
Best In Class N 10 Avengers of Arendelle Sabrina Kronener, Chlor Creighton
Best In Class Jy 31 Fraggle Rock Victoria Colville, Audrey Preston
Best In Class M 24 Snowballs Dave Kanoy, Steve Swope, Susan Bien, Kelli Lynch, Ramona Taylor
Best Props on the Fly 5 French Silk Pie Mary Gode
Best Paint N 28 The Night Hunters Christine Bauschlicher
Best In Show M 19 The Chattering Order of St. Beryl Susan Leabhart

Archon 46 Grand Masquerade Winners

Jr = Junior, N = Novice, Jy = Journeyman, M = Master

Performance Judging

Table of Archon 46 Performance Judging Winners
Award Rank Run # Title Participants
Best In Class
Jr - - -
Best In Class
N 6 Fallout Vault Dwellers Cassandra Bahre, Scott Bahre
Best In Class Jy - - -
Best In Class M 13 Frodo Baggins & Samwise Gamgee Maxine Camera, Cassie Nation
Judge’s Choice for Best Video Game Recreation N 2 Cloud Strife Chase Koppenhafer
Judge’s Choice for Most Chilling Performance M 7 Elsa Katherine Kirchoff
Judge’s Choice for Original Concept M 3 Liturgical Colors Pierre Pettinger, Sandy Pettinger
Best in Show M 17 Transylvanian Lullaby Susan Bien, Steve Swope, and Dave Kanoy

Workmanship Judging

Table of Archon 46 Workmanship Judging Winners
Award Rank Run # Title Participants
Best In Class N 4 Venti the Bard Avery Judd
Best In Class - - - -
Best In Class M 9 Movellan Denise Dietsch
Best use of Draping N 14 Jellyfish Teresa Rivera
Best Armor 6 Fallout Vault Dwellers Cassandra Bahre, Scott Bahre
Best in Overall Furwork and Best Bunny Butt 1 Bad Hare Day Darren Bost
Best in Tailoring 7 Elsa Katherine Kirchoff
Best Pockets in a Hurry M 5 Stitch Witch Susan Eisenhauer
Best In Show M 11 Black Sun Susan Leabhart, Sheril Bogenreif


Archon gaming activity image.
Image: © 2022 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

As with every year, we need games and GM’s. If you are interested in running games, please email with the following information:

  • Subject: Archon 48 Gaming
  • Game Name:
  • Game Description: (small blurb about the game)
  • Number of Players:
  • Preferred Session: (Please list your preferred and your second choice. You will be notified which session is scheduled.
  • Type of table: Round or Rectangle.

Please remember: 2 hour sessions are either A or B. Full session (4 hours) will be just the session number.

The deadline for inclusion in the online booklet is August 31. If you have not submitted by this time, your games will not be included in the book posted early to the website. I will also not be able to guarantee your preferred sessions.

We look forward to seeing you this year!!!

Gaming Schedule

Gaming Schedule Table
Session Day Time Slot A Time Slot B
1 Friday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
2 Friday 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
3 Friday Midnight
4 Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
5 Saturday 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
6 Saturday 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
7 Saturday Midnight
8 Sunday 9 a.m. to 1 1:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
9 Sunday 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

All schedules subject to unannounced changes. Archon Membership required to participate in all game events at Archon.

GM Discount Policies

New GM’s

  • GM’s that have never ran a game for Archon STL will be required to pay the current rate for the Archon STL membership.
  • All first time Archon GM’s will need to schedule a minimum four hours game events.
  • Partial refund of membership fee is available if the GM schedules additional four hours of game events.
  • Partial refund will be provided on site at the end of the convention.
  • Partial refund will be based on the number of additional scheduled event hours.
  • Only scheduled, non-canceled, event hours will be eligible for the partial refund.
  • The current partial refund amount is $15 per 4 hour session down to $15 out of pocket. Discounts can not take your membership payment below $15.00

Returning Archon STL GM’s in Good Standing

  • GM’s that have ran a scheduled game event at previous Archon STL Convention who schedule a minimum of twelve game event hours will receive the current year’s GM rate. This rate will
  • be verified with the GM at the time of game submission.
  • A good standing GM does not have a “No Show” history with Archon.
  • A good standing GM must do appropriate due diligence if there are not enough players.
  • If open seats are available after 5 minutes, accept players with alternate tickets.
  • If open seats are available after 10 minutes, GM is able to accept other players.
  • If after 10 minutes, the GM has an insufficient number of players to run the game, contact the Gaming HQ.
  • If players cannot be found, the game event will be considered canceled.
  • Games canceled for this reason will not count to your discount amount but will keep you in good standing with gaming.

Gaming Registration Hours

Gaming Registration Hours Table
Day Time
Friday NOON to 9 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Gaming Downloads
Title Format
Gaming Schedule (Not active)

Gaming Coordinator

Tracy Hanners

Archon45 Gaming Winners

Archon gaming winner.
Image: © 2022 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.
Archon gaming winner.
Image: © 2022 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.
Archon gaming winner.
Image: © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

Miniatures & Models

Archon miniature mascot.
Image: DracoFornax © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

We are happy to announce that we are hosting the annual Models & Miniatures Expo this year!

Starting with this year’s Archon, Models & Miniatures is now an EXPOSITION and not a contest. No judging, no prizes...just creators displaying their work and sharing their techniques. Please don't think your work isn't good enough to display. We’ve heard that a lot in the past. Bring it in! You will be amazed at how much everyone will love it! We say this to our young creators especially.

Please bring any models, miniatures, props, and dioramas to the Art Room, and the event staff will direct you to a table for display. It doesn't matter if they are straight out of the box, fully custom built, or scratchbuilds/kitbashes - we want them all. So if you have something sci-fi, movie, TV, fantasy, comic related or anything that fits in with the con, bring them in!

All ages are welcome! We will have persons on hand to safeguard all displayed items.

Check-in begins on Friday after opening ceremonies and ends at 12PM Sat. Pick up your items Sunday at 2PM.

Sponsored and Presented By: Midwest Society of Sci-Fi and Space Model and Toy Collections

Miniatures & Models Expo Coordinator

Jeff Kaler

Hallway Costume Contest

Archon Hall costume activity with photographers.
Image: DracoFornax © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

We look forward to seeing you in your costumes. If you would like to enter the contest, come to our photo area in the foyer of the DoubleTree on Friday night between 8:00 and 10:30pm. If we like your costume, you will be awarded an "honoree" ribbon and have your picture taken for the contest. It is as easy as that! All images will be posted to a gallery on the Archon Facebook page. Voting will be done by way of most likes on the photos. The winning costume will receive a free membership to Archon. The best reason to enter the costume contest: You are guaranteed a good photo of your costume.

Hallway Costume Contest Coordinator

Jim St. Clair

Archon 45 Contest Winner

Archon Hallway Costume Contest winner of the year.
Image: Jeff Finazzo © 2022 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

Room Party Gatherings

Archon theme room image.
Image: © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

All the Archon Room parties are on the ground floor of the DoubleTree Hotel, our main hotel. If you are planning on hosting a Room Party at Archon Con-chairs know, so that we can make sure your room is on the party floor.

Archon Security monitor all party space. When hosting a party, you will be required to read and sign a form acknowledging you understand the convention/hotel damage policy, and that you will comply with it before you can host an party. We want everyone to have a great time at Archon. We encourage you to drink responsibly and be courteous to your fellow conventioneers.

If your party causes damage to your room, the hotel will charge Archon, and we will bill you. If you plan to attach anything to the walls, floor, or ceiling inside or outside of your room, you must visit the front desk and get their approval first (Hint: Use Blu-Tac/Hobby Tack/equivalent, not tape).

Alcohol and the Law

As it has always been in the past and always will be, behavior which jeopardizes the convention goers will not be tolerated and you will be removed from the facilities. No exceptions. Anyone under the age of 21, who's been drinking alcohol will be removed from the convention. Illinois State Minor In Possession Law applies to consumption as well as being in physical possession of alcohol. If your under 21, you are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages at Archon. If you're over 21 and you're found giving alcohol to anyone under 21, you will be removed as well. Jello Shots are not permitted. Anyone found in possession of, or distributing Jello Shots will have their badge taken and will be removed from the convention.

Hosting Reminders

Come to Archon. Have a great time and come back next year. That's all we want and ask in return.

Due to the congestion in the halls near the Dance, Hospitality, and Party area, all prop-weapons are required to be peace-bonded while in the DoubleTree hotel after 9 p.m. This is to prevent accidents to both your prop-weapon and your fellow convention attendees while trying to navigate the crowded hallways.

Art Show & Auction

Archon art show sample image.
Image: © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

With over 80 artists on display be sure to stop by and see the awesome variety that is the Archon Art Show. Showcasing some of the best artists in the country.

Cameras (including camera phones) are not permitted in the Art Show or Print Shop.

Art Show Public Hours

Table of Art Show Hours of Operation
Day Times
Thursday (Artist Setup Only) 6 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Friday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Auction 4:30 p.m. (open 2 hours after close of auction for sales & pick-up)
Sunday 10:30 a.m. - 12 Noon (sales & pick-up)
12 Noon - 3 p.m. (artist checkout only)

Hours are subject to change at the discretion of the Art Show Staff.

Anticipated Artists

Table of Anticipated Artists
Artist Website

Rules for Bidding/Buying Artwork

  • You may buy any artwork for the direct sale price as long as it does NOT have a bid written on the bid tag already.
  • You may bid on a piece of art by printing your name and the dollar amount you wish to pay on the bid tag (minimum bid amount or higher).
  • Once a piece receives a bid, you can only bid on the piece. To do so, write your higher bid on the bid sheet (after 3 bids, it goes to auction, but keep writing them in til close of bids).
  • The highest bid gets the artwork. If you are not out-bid, you buy the item for your last bid (written on the bid sheet or verbal at the auction).
  • There must be at least 3 bids on a piece of art for it to go to auction.
  • If the art has only a minimum bid amount with no direct sale amount--the item can only be bought by bidding on it.
  • NFS means the artwork is not for sale.
  • Re-Sale Art is for direct sale only, no bidding.
  • If you are the last bidder on an item at the close of bidding Saturday afternoon and it is not going to auction, it is yours for that bid.
  • If you are the last bidder on an item at the close of bidding Saturday afternoon and it is going to auction, it is yours if no one bids against your bid at the auction.
  • When you win your bid on an item, you can pay for it at the auction or before 12:00 pm (noon) Sunday. All artwork must be paid for by 12:00 PM Sunday so that artists may leave with their work or their money.
  • All bidding ends on Saturday. Art sales on Sunday are for the direct sale price only.
  • Once an item receives even one bid, the item will be sold for the highest bid offered, no exceptions!
  • All artwork must have at least 3 bids to go to auction.
  • This art show contains adult artwork, parental discretion is advised.

Art Show & Auction Coordinator

Anna Mulch
Liz Hollendonner

Archon 45 Art Show Winners

  • Best in Show: Halloween in Oak Park by Lucy A Synk
  • Best 3D Piece: Environmental Engineering 1 by Snail Scott
  • Best Pro Artist: Lucy A Synk
  • Artists' Choice Artist: it's a tie between Katrina Joyner and Sherry Hornsey
  • Fans's Choice Artist: it's a four way tie between...
  • Eddie Wilson
  • John Kaufmann
  • Lucy A Synk
  • Rachel Mayo
  • Best Young Adult Artist: Marley Goller
  • Best Youth Artist: Scarlett Skywalker

Nightly Dances

Archon Dances.
Image: DracoFornax © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

Friday and Saturday evenings at the DoubleTree Hotel enjoy high energy dances to fandom best hits.

Open Board Game Library

Archon gaming library.
Image: DracoFornax © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the DoubleTree Hotel.

Archon has a dedicated open gaming space and extensive board gaming library available to all convention attendees. Find more than 50 popular titles to enjoy with your friends.

Gaming Coordinator

Tracy Hanners

Return to Top of this section or Home.

Fandom Promenade

Fandom Promenade, Archon's portal to the creative arts of science fiction and fantasy. Select each of the sections to learn more about our anticipated vendors that will be attending this year.

Interested in showcasing your work, services, or product? Read more below in Panelist/Vendor section below.

Creator's Alley

In the Creator's Alley, Archon showcases the artists and creative minds of speculative fiction and allows you watch them work their magic before your eyes.

The Alley will be open 5 p.m. on Friday until Noon on Sunday.

Archon creator's alley image.
Image: © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

Anticipated Creator's:

Table of Anticipated Creator's attending Archon
Creator Details

Interested in showcasing your work? Read more and get documents in Interested Panelists section below.

Creator's Alley Coordinator

Jared Sies

Booksellers Row

Booksellers Row is a series of tables located in the main hallway just outside the Dealers Room where authors can sell their books. Featuring works by original authors.

Anticipated Booksellers

Table of Anticipated Booksellers attending Archon
Bookseller Details
Debbie Manber Kupfer Booksellers Web URL
Marc Hirsch Author, LLC Booksellers Web URL
Van Allen Plexico Booksellers Web URL
True Namer, LLC Booksellers Web URL
Year of the Frog Publishing Booksellers Web URL
Kathy L. Brown Writing Services Booksellers Web URL
Sean R. Frazier Booksellers Web URL
Dana Lockhart Booksellers Web URL
Kathryn Sullivan Booksellers Web URL
Literary Underworld Booksellers Web URL
Jennifer Stolzer Books & Illustration Booksellers Web URL
St. Louis Writers Guild Booksellers Web URL
Jessica Mathews Books Booksellers Web URL
Mega Giganto Booksellers Web URL
Authra's Books Booksellers Web URL
Ink & Quill Press Booksellers Web URL
Donna J. W. Munro Booksellers Web URL
dicegeeks Booksellers Web URL

Interested in having a table in Booksellers Row? Read more and get documents in Interested Panelists section below.

Booksellers Row Coordinators

Jill Lybarger

Dealer's Room

Archon dealers room image.
Image: © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

What's that? You've never been to a Dealer's Room? What's it all about? Think of the Dealer's Room as the fannish equivalent of a mall, or a medieval marketplace, or space bazaar. Here you can find books and games, dice, cards, books, costumes, tee-shirts, books, DVD's, CD's, books, jewelry, artwork, and (did we mention?) books!

Public Room Hours

Friday 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

So, bring your ducats, your credits, your doubloons (or better yet, your checkbook, credit cards and cash, because most of the dealers won't take ducats, credits or doubloons!) and check out the Dealer's Room!

To be updated as we get closer to the event.

Anticipated Dealers

Table of Anticipated Dealers attending Archon
Dealer Details
Apellez Dreams website
BopBopKat website
The Bone Carver website
Cardz Xtcetera website
Castle Perilous Games website
Crane's Post, Inc website
Earth Wisdom Music and Clothing website
Evan Clouse website
Everything's Shiny Creations website
Fantasy Books, Inc website
Game Night
Glen Cook
Horizon Music, Inc. website
Infinite Diversity website
Larry Smith Book Seller
Madam Coyote, LLC website
Mythica Gaming website
Open Dead Inside website
Pegasus Publishing website
Red Den website
Reynolds Comics
Ronald Van Stockum, Jr. website
Silvermist Design website
Snarky Sayings
Starship Cat website

Interested in having a table in the Dealer's Room? Read more and get documents in Interested Panelists section below.

Dealer's Room Coordinators

Jill Lybarger

Fan Clubs

Archon fan club image.
Image: © 1977-2023 Archon®, All Rights Reserved.

Anticipated Fan Clubs and Organizations

Fan Club Descriptions


TBA Club Website

Interested Fan Clubs

Interested in hosting a Fan Club table? Read more and get documents in Interested Panelists section below.

Fan Club Coordinator

Dave Phelps

Return to Top of this section or Home.

About Us

Archon, an internationally known, highly regarded and well attended science fiction and fantasy convention. The Archon convention is a locally organized and locally staffed event, presented each year by St. Louis area science fiction and fantasy fans.

It includes internationally known media guests, scientist, writers, artists, merchandise dealers and performers and a world recognized Masquerade; its goal is to bring to Saint Louis and science fiction fandom everywhere, a celebration of your imagination.

We are an Institutional Member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. and Host of The North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC) in 2005. (Archon 31/TuckerCon)

Archon Hall of Fame History

The Archon Hall of Fame award was established to recognize outstanding contributions to Archon by fans and professionals who are not members of the convention staff or committee. The award was instituted in 1997, with a special Grand Master Hall of Fame award going to Wilson "Bob" Tucker; the Pro award went to Glen Cook, and three Fan awards were given to J.D. Streett IV, William "Bear" Reed, and Cindy Payant.

The Nickelberry Award

Established to recognize outstanding contributions to the Archon Masquerade. The first award, in 1998, was a tie, awarded to Mike Evans and Kevin Dulle.

Charity and Auction

Charitable proceeds from this year's event to benefit the Down Syndrome Association of Greater St. Louis.

Charity Coordinator: Liz Hollendonner


Volunteers are an integral part of any successful convention. Reach out to us if you want to become part of a fantastic adventure.

Archon Volunteer Coordinator

Positive Outcomes

  • 2000+ Fantastic Fans
  • $1,000,000+ Local Economic Impact
  • 11+/200+ Tracks/Sessions of Programming
  • $4000+ Annual Charitable Donations
  • 1 Huge Masquerade
  • Providing healthy avenues for humanity to express and enrich themselves and others around them

Return to Top of this section or Home.


The brains of Archon black and white illustration.

Our committee does what they do because they love Archon; none of them are paid for their services, time, or effort to bring you what you will experience over the weekend. Please remember to include your name and/or business and a phone number to reach you.

Archon St. Louis
P.O. BOX 440332
Saint Louis, MO 63144
Table of Archon Contacts
Department Coordinator E-mail
Con-Chairs Erin McFadden
Scott Corwin
Art Show Anna Mulch
Art Show Charity Auction Liz Hollendonner
Booksellers Row & Dealer's Room Jill Lybarger
Filk Sandra Greenberg and Mark Ewbank
Gaming Tracy Hanners
Grand Masquerade Sheila Lenkman
Hallway Costume Contest Jim St. Clair
Children's Programming Kristen Albers
General Programming Patricia McFadden
Registration Maureen Davis and Randy Davis
Charitable Proceeds Program Liz Hollendonner
Fan Clubs Dave Phelps
Volunteers Jason and Esther Halbert
Security Bill Thomas
Lost and Found & Logistics Sean Sendlein
Pro Guests Patricia McFadden
Hospitality Steve Denton
Creator's Alley Jared Sies
Room Parties Jason and Esther Halbert
Program Book John Sies
Social Media Z Norris
Miniatures & Models Expo Jeff Kaler

Return to Top of this section or Home.

Panelist / Vendor

Interested in vending at Archon? Read below about the different opportunities below and the requirements of each.

Creator's Alley

If you are an artist, craftier, or other creative soul wishing to showcase your talents, scroll down and read the requirements.

The Creator's Alley will consist of 25, 6' x 30" tables at a cost of $80 each and will be open for the duration of the convention from 5 p.m. on Friday until Noon on Sunday. You can sell or promote your creative creations freely from these tables. You can setup anytime after 8 a.m. on Friday. If you had a table at a previous Archon, I will try to assign the same table for you this time around. Each Creator's Alley participant is required to have con badge. Please take this into consideration when registering your table. There are no membership/table combos available.

Pricing for electricity is $70 if paid before the convention, $90 during. Any group that requires electricity will need to inform the Creator's Alley Coordinator.

The rules and forms (Creator's Alley Packet) are available from the download area below. It is imperative the you review the contract, as it may contain changes from a previous year.

Do you sell merchandise at fairs, festivals, flea markets, or craft shows? If so, you are a retailer and you must collect and pay Illinois sales taxes. Whether this is a full-time business or a hobby, you are subject to the Illinois Retailers' Occupation Tax. This form will be available from the Download section below, closer to event date.

Notice: This year we will be offering creators ONE convention membership at a reduced rate of $50. Please note on your registration form if you vended at Archon 46 creators alley as you may be entitled to further reduced fee this year. Lastly, once your application is accepted you will be sent a link to pay for fees online.


Creator's Alley Downloads
Title Format
Creator's Alley Registration Form PDF
Creator's Alley Contract PDF

The Alley will be open 5 p.m. on Friday until Noon on Sunday.


Jared Sies

Booksellers Row

Bookseller's Row is sold out!

Becoming a Bookseller

  • Authors are ONLY allowed to sell their own works.
  • Because tables are located in the hallway you set your own hours.
  • Because tables are located in the hallway your merchandise will not be secured after hours. You are responsible for packing and storing your merchandise each day.
  • Tables cost $80.
  • No membership is included with the price of the table, but are required. All individuals working the table must have a membership to the convention.
  • Electrical hook-up is provided by the Gateway Center for $70 if requested by September 20th. After September, 20th the cost is $90.


Booksellers Row Downloads
Title Format
Booksellers Row Application Form PDF

More Information

Archon Booksellers
P.O. Box 440332
Saint Louis, MO 63144

Registrations are due by September 25, 2025.


Jill Lybarger

Dealer's Room

Interested in being a Dealer? Get your space lined up before they are all gone!

Dealer's may request preferred tables, and every attempt will be made to accommodate requests, however, Archon cannot guarantee that Dealer's will be assigned the tables they request. Table layout is approximate.

Rates & FAQS

  • $135 for the first 8 foot table, $120 for the second table, $110 for the third
  • Archon reserves the right to impose a limit of 2 tables, if necessary
  • Add $5 per table for wall spaces
  • Dealer's will receive ONE free membership with their tables, and may purchase a second for $50
  • All workers must have a valid convention badge
  • The State of Illinois requires ALL vendors to collect sales tax. Vendors who do not have an Illinois State Tax ID Number will need to fill out a Special Event Tax Collection Report and Payment Coupon
  • (available from the Dealer's Room staff)
  • Electrical hook-up is provided by the Gateway Center for $70 if requested by September 10th. After September, 10th the cost is $90.


Dealer's Room Downloads
Title Format
Dealer Registration Form PDF

Please fill in legibly ALL information requested on this form. This must be turned in, along with your fees (in US dollars, by check, money order or credit card) to:

Archon Dealer Room
P.O. Box 440332
Saint Louis, MO 63144

Registrations are due by September 25, 2025. Incomplete or illegible information may result in failure to receive tables and/or badges.


Jill Lybarger

Art Show

Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Anna Mulch and Liz Hollendonner, the art director and co-art director for Archon, the science fiction and fantasy convention that takes place in Collinsville, Illinois. Past Artist Guests of Honor include Mitch Bentley and artists such as Theresa Mathers and Rachel Mayo.

We are writing to invite you to show in our art show for 2023. This is the conventions 47th year and we want it to be a success. Last year we had 36 artists show and its my hope for more this year.

There are a few different ways to show your work. We have panels and tables available for $20/each. We also have a printshop. You can sign up and pay for these at the time you register. If you are mailing in, you are more than welcome to register your panels needed online as well at There will be no payment accepted at the con unless prior arrangements have been made. You do not have to be present. Mail in is an option. The basics for this show are that the bid sheets have 2 prices, the direct sale price and the minimum bid price. If your piece reaches 3 bids it will go to regular auction.

Since this is an art show we have voting categories and prizes. In addition to showing your work to around 3,000 people you can potential earn prizes. The convention does keep 10% of the sales and you will receive a check within 4 weeks of the close of the convention.

This year we are having a children’s section where we hope to have art priced for children, including originals and prints, as well as showcasing art created by children participating in Archon’s children programming. In addition to this John Sies is putting line work in the program catalog as color sheets for children. If you would like to donate something, his contact is

If you are mailing in work, please include a key as to how you want your work hung up. This helps the art show staff make your panel the reflect the way you want it. For the former participants, there are some changes for this year. There is no artist reception, We are including editable bid sheets and control sheets in the email and there will be no payments accepted at the con unless previous arrangements have been made.


Art Show Downloads
Title Format
Art Show Invitation Letter PDF
Art Show & Auction Hours PDF
Art Show Print Shop Control Sheet .docx
Art Show Resale Control Sheet .docx
Art Show Bid Sheet .docx


Anna Mulch
Liz Hollendonner

Archon Program Book

Every attendee gets a 8.5" x 11", high-quality, color glossy program book at Archon tentatively with a color cover, by the Artist GoH.

Program Book Submissions

The submission deadline for the program book is August 15, 2025.

We want to promote more of the fan community' s (artist, amateur or pro) sci-fi and fantasy related work in our program book.

Artists: Submit black and white art (scan, b&w, TIF, JPG, or PNG, 300 dpi).

Authors: Submit excerpts from your work as a Word (.doc) file or (.txt) file.

There is no money involved, but you will receive byline credit, the artist retains publishing rights. Please submit work by email (put Archon Program Book Art in the subject line). Do not be concerned about the size of the image, photos will be re-sized to accommodate available space in program book. It can be line art or painting, crayon, whatever. You will get your name in the credits.

Program Book Submission Rates
Pro Fan Ad Type
$500 $500 four-color back cover / (8.5" x 11")
$300 $200 Inside front or back cover - color / (8.5" x 11")
$250 $150 Inside front or back cover - black and white / (8.5" x 11")
$210 $105 interior full page / (8.5" x 11")
$110 $55 half-page horizontal / (8.5" x 5.5")
$120 $60 half-page vertical / (4.25" x 11")
$65 $35 quarter-page horizontal / (8.5" x 2.75")
$75 $40 quarter-page vertical / (4.25" x 5.5")
$0 $10 non-commercial business-card size ads

Inside Cover Ad space is on a first come, first serve basis.

All prices are for black and white ads except where noted.

Ads can be pdf, png, jpg, or tif files for the pc. 300 dpi please. Ad files can be compressed with a zip utility and uploaded to our server or emailed to my address below. You can email me the file (if it is not too large) at the email address below. I also recommend for sending large files.

PDF or print copy of the program book can be sent upon request as soon as it is press ready.

Payment is to be sent to:

Archon Program Book
P.O. Box 440332
St. Louis, MO 63144

I can answer any questions on the specific format needed to make sure the ad looks good in our publication.

John Sies
Archon Program Book
4610 Barhill St.
San Antonio, TX 78217


Program Book Downloads
Title Format
Program Book Ad Rate Sheet PDF


John Sies


Do you have a great programming idea? Would you like to be a panelist?

If you would like to become part of the program for Archon, read our Panelists section below, email us, or visit the Programming Batcave in Illini B during the event in the Gateway Convention Center.

Everyone is encouraged to apply, just keep in mind our guidelines listed below. Even if you are a club or group and would like to host a 30 minute informational and recruitment panel, or if you would like to host an open meeting.

  1. Panel title
  2. Three sentence description of your proposed panel suitable for publishing
  3. Names and email addresses of the panelists that would like to be part of your panel, if any

Archon Panelist Policy

  • Archon Panelists are "unofficial experts" on certain topics. People who are interested in becoming an Archon Panelist should fill out the Archon Panelist Application.
  • Archon Panelists do not receive a free membership to Archon.

Archon Panelist Guidelines

Archon Panelists are expected to:

  • Participate in as many or as few panels as they wish.
  • Arrive at panels on time and stay the entire time.
  • Participate in all assigned panels unless waived from attendance by the Programming Team prior to the panel starting.
  • Refrain from being on cell phones in any capacity during a panel.
  • Use good panelist manners during panels.
  • Be respectful at all times to others participating in or attending panels.
  • Be respectful at all times to Archon Committee and Staff.
  • Comply with all safety-related directions or requests given by Archon Security or Committee, or hotel / convention center staff at all times during the duration of the weekend.
  • Behave within Archon's Code of Conduct.


Panelist Downloads
Title Format
Panelist Application
Panelist Policy and Guidelines PDF

Panelist Coordinators

Patricia McFadden

Creator's Alley

If you are an artist, craftier, or other creative soul wishing to showcase your talents, scroll down and read the requirements.

Notice: Please read and return completed forms no sooner than Monday, March 18th at 9am. This year we will be offering creators ONE convention membership/badge at a reduced rate of $50. Please note on your registration form if you vended at Archon 46 creators alley as you may be entitled to further reduced fee this year. Lastly once your application is accepted you will be sent a link to pay for fees online.

The Creator's Alley will consist of 25, 6' x 30" tables at a cost of $80 each and will be open for the duration of the convention from 5 p.m. on Friday until Noon on Sunday. You can sell or promote your creative creations freely from these tables. You can setup anytime after 8 a.m. on Friday. If you had a table at a previous Archon, I will try to assign the same table for you this time around. Each Creator's Alley participant is required to have con badge. Please take this into consideration when registering your table. There are no membership/table combos available.

Pricing for electricity is $70 if paid before the convention, $90 during. Any group that requires electricity will need to inform the Creator's Alley Coordinator.

The rules and forms (Creator's Alley Packet) are available from the download area below. It is imperative the you review the contract, as it may contain changes from a previous year.

Do you sell merchandise at fairs, festivals, flea markets, or craft shows? If so, you are a retailer and you must collect and pay Illinois sales taxes. Whether this is a full-time business or a hobby, you are subject to the Illinois Retailers' Occupation Tax. This form will be available from the Download section below, closer to event date.


Creator's Alley Downloads
Title Format
Creator's Alley Registration Form PDF
Creator's Alley Contract PDF

The Alley will be open 5 p.m. on Friday until Noon on Sunday.


Jared Sies

Pro Guests

Pro Guest Policy

Thanks for your interest in attending Archon as a Pro (invited) guest. Archon's Pro Guest policy has been recently updated. Archon will provide complimentary memberships to individuals based on the criteria below.

Individuals who would like to be reviewed for Pro Guest status should read the policy below and then submit the New Pro Guest Application.

No new Pro Guests will be considered after August 15th for the upcoming convention.

Pro Guest Consideration Guidelines

  • Individuals who have been a Guest of Honor of any kind at a previous Archon.
  • Individuals who the Pro Liaison team feels have achieved distinction or have been professionally published in their academic or technical field. OR
  • Individuals who the Pro Liaison team feels would enhance Archon programming.
  • Individuals who qualify for and can provide proof of Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) Active-Level or Senior-Level Membership
  • Individuals who have made significant contributions to fandom through their writing.
  • Individuals who the Pro Liaison team feels would enhance Archon programming.
  • Individuals who the Pro Liaison team feels have achieved distinction in the field of costuming.
  • Please note: Archon currently does NOT have "featured cosplayers"
  • Individuals who the Pro Liaison team feels would enhance Archon programming.

The Pro Liaison team reserves the right to approve or deny anyone seeking Archon Pro Guest status in conjunction with and in consideration of the above guidelines.

As a general rule, individuals who are solely self-published, are published by vanity presses, or are considered independent filmmakers will not qualify for Archon Pro Guest status.

Pro Guest status is reviewed on a yearly basis and Pro Guests are not guaranteed a continuation of Pro Guest status into the next year.

Pro Guests will be required to participate in Archon programming with a minimum of 5 panels (not including autograph sessions, readings, or art demonstrations). In return, Pro Guests receive a complimentary membership for themselves and one guest, access to our 24-hour VIP Suite in the DoubleTree Hotel, and a Pro Guest badge ribbon.

Pro Guests do not receive a dealer, artist alley, Booksellers row, or fan club table with their Pro Guest membership.

The Archon Pro Liaison and Programming Team supports free speech and differing viewpoints, but does not condone abusive, offensive, or hateful speech or ideas both at and outside of our convention.

Archon Pro Guest Guidelines

Archon Pro Guests are expected to:

  • Participate in at least 5 panels. This number does not include readings / signings / demos or private panels.
  • Arrive at panels on time and stay the entire time.
  • Participate in all assigned panels unless waived from attendance by the Programming Team prior to the panel starting.
  • Refrain from being on cell phones in any capacity during a panel.
  • Use good panelist manners during panels.
  • Be respectful at all times to others participating in or attending panels.
  • Be respectful at all times to Archon Committee and Staff.
  • Comply with all safety-related directions or requests given by Archon Security or Committee, or hotel / convention center staff at all times during the duration of the weekend.
  • Be flexible and available for scheduling during their Archon attendance.
  • Behave within Archon's Code of Conduct.


Pro Guest Downloads
Title Format
Pro Guest Application
Pro Guest Policy PDF
Pro Guest Guidelines PDF

More Information

Pro Guest Coordinators

Patricia McFadden

Fan Clubs

We have updated our fan table policy for Archon. Please review the following items before requesting a fan table at the convention:

  1. Fan tables are available free to fan clubs and other related organizations on a first-come-first-served basis, with a limit of one table per group.
  2. Archon memberships are no longer required for persons who are only staffing fan tables. However, if you choose to see other parts of the Con, you will need a valid Archon membership.
  3. At your table, you may sell memberships in your organization or raffle tickets but not merchandise. Sorry, no exceptions.
  4. If you wish to conduct other activities at your table, you will need to obtain permission from the Fan Liaison or Con Chair in advance.
  5. If you have merchandise to sell, please reserve a table in the Archon Dealers' Room prior to the convention. Contact for more information and current rates.
  6. Artists' Alley and Booksellers' Row tables (located in the main hall of the Gateway Center) are for creators (artists/authors) only.
  7. Please keep in mind the Gateway Center charges a substantial fee for the use of electricity and this policy is not under Archon's control. The electrical hookup fee is lower if paid in advance ($70 if paid by 9/1/19 vs. $85 afterwards) so please plan accordingly. If you require electricity at your fan table, please contact the Fan Liaison or Con Chair in advance.

Fan Club Flyer Table

Those interested in sending Archon their flyers and other advertising for placement on our Fan Club Flyer table should send materials to:

Fan Club Table
P.O. Box 440332
Saint Louis, MO, 63144

We suggest sending approximately 20-30 flyers.


Dave Phelps

Grand Masquerade Entries

Common Questions

Anyone can enter the masquerade, as long as they have an Archon membership, and a costume. You can compete as a group, or individually. We can take up to 40 entries. All ages are welcome.

This year we will be capping the entries at 40, so get your registrations in early on Friday if you can! If you know you will be arriving late on Saturday, please contact the Masquerade Director before the convention to make arrangements. We can assist you with registration via phone, text and/or email once registration is open on Friday of Archon. There will be no online registration.

To keep tech rehearsals on time, we are allowing only 2 lighting cues per costume entry. See ,tell me more about the light cues offered to contestants in the Archon Masquerade.

The 60 second time limit will be strongly enforced this year. Please contact the Masquerade Director if you feel you should be allowed more time. Anyone who shows up at tech rehearsal with an unapproved longer presentation will be asked to edit their presentation.

Contestants compete for beautiful custom rosettes and bragging rights. Even better, there is a catered private party for all of the contestants and crew after the masquerade, where you can watch the DVD replay on the big screen!

All contestants must register at the Masquerade Registration Office in the convention center, just down the hallway from main registration. One of our staff members will answer your questions and help you fill out the forms, which MUST be turned in by NOON ON SATURDAY. After registering, you will need to attend the mandatory meeting for all contestants, and then schedule a brief tech rehearsal. If you will not be at the convention on Friday and only be arriving later on Saturday, please contact the Masquerade Director before the convention to make arrangements. We can assist you with registration via phone, text and/or email once registration is open on Friday of Archon. There will be no online registration.

Well, putting on a show the size of the Archon Masquerade takes a lot of time. Our staff members have to get ready for the show, and we run tech rehearsals all day Saturday. It makes for a very long day for the staff. Lighting cues are programmed in, music files are recorded, and scripts are printed and rehearsed. Late entries cannot be accommodated.

The Archon Masquerade has a reputation for being one of the most professional looking masquerades in the country. A big part of that is because of the time and attention we give every contestant on stage. We run through your stage entrances and exits, lighting cues, sound, and generally make sure everyone understands what they are doing. That way, the contestant is less nervous, and we can showcase them to the best of our abilities.

There are two sets of judges for the masquerade. The first set is backstage, and are looking at the workmanship of your costume. This is where you can show off your fine stitching, painting, metalwork, etc., They also look for engineering and overall construction. The second set of judges is in front of the stage, and will be judging on the overall look of your costume presentation. Such things as how well you become that character, how you move in the costume, and how you chose to present it will be considered.

That depends. If you have a new costume, or one you have not worn at Archon before, you are welcome to enter it. If, however, you have worn the same garb for years, it would not be recommended. There will be some stiff competition up on stage, and you want to put your best up against them. The judges will not look kindly on a costume they have seen roaming the halls all weekend.

That depends. If you have a new costume, or one you have not worn at Archon before, you are welcome to enter it. If, however, you have worn the same garb for years, it would not be recommended. There will be some stiff competition up on stage, and you want to put your best up against them. The judges will not look kindly on a costume they have seen roaming the halls all weekend.

This is a tricky question, actually. If the costume in question is from Walmart, the answer is definitely "NO". If, however, you design a costume and pay someone to do part of the construction for you, you may be able to enter the Masquerade PROVIDING you notify the Masquerade Director AND you give the constructor full credit. For instance, you may enter as "Joe Smith" as "The Blob", wearing a costume designed by "Joe Smith", constructed by "Jane Doe and Joe Smith". The workmanship judges may or may not consider you eligible for awards, depending on the amount of work you actually did on that costume. If an award is given, it will be in both names.

Contestants are allowed up to one minute on stage. Sometimes, however, a simple walk across the stage is sufficient. You do not need to use the full minute. One minute spent eating something sweet is vastly different from one minute spent sitting on a hot stove! Leave your audience wanting to see more, not less, of you. Keep your skits or routines simple and effective, and use the time wisely. The Masquerade Director will help you streamline your presentation at tech rehearsal for best effect.

Presentations longer than one minute have to be approved by the Masquerade Director before the convention is underway! Any entry who shows up with an unapproved longer entry will be directed to trim their presentation at tech rehearsal.

Yes, although parents must remember that this is a competition, and there is a chance that your child may not win. There is a special category for children 12 and under, so that they are not in direct competition with the adults. Children entering the masquerade are assumed to have helped create the costume to some extent. If an adult made the costume for the child, that person should be mentioned and credited on the entry paperwork.

Documentation is for the workmanship judges to look at to determine how well you re-created your costume. It can be as simple as a photocopy of a page from a book or comic, or a more elaborate photo journal of the construction process. Not everyone needs documentation. Then again, not everyone has seen episode five, season two of your favorite show. Or read that particular book/comic/manga. Documentation can be turned in at the Green Room and should be labeled with names and titles. It will be returned after the show.

Archon features state of the art LED instruments provided by Alobars. You don?t need to be a theater designer to figure them out; however, that's the job of the Archon Masquerade Crew! We can work with you to showcase your costume and create a mood using colors and shapes projected onto the pale gray stage curtains. No more than 2 lighting cues will be allowed per entry. This includes the first cue. For instance, you might ask for a blue wash or pattern for your entry and then request that it switch to red to highlight an action. The blue wash is the first cue, the red is the second. All entries can also request a fade to black or quick drop to black. We have many patterns and shapes available, feel free to be as descriptive as you like and we will try to match your vision as closely as we can. We do not offer follow spots or strobe lights. Smoke/fog machines are not allowed at the Gateway Center due to the sensitive fire detection systems.

The right music played on our sound system can help set the mood for your masquerade entry. A majestic bit of an orchestral theme, a fun pop song, or even a sound bite containing dialogue for you to lip-sync to is all possible. Even if you think you will not need music, you do. Trust us on this one. If you do not have any music, the crew will find something to play during your tech rehearsal that best matches your vision of the character.

If you plan to bring your own music or recorded dialogue, you can bring it on a CD for our sound technician to play. If you prefer to go a more digital route, you may bring a thumb drive with MP3 or WAV files on it. Please do not bring your phone or laptop to tech rehearsal, we do not have the time to copy your files for you!

No. We ask that you lip-sync to recorded material, as most of the skits in the past have bombed due to microphone problems. The contestants either stood too far from the mic, or held it too low, and the audience could not hear a thing. To avoid this embarrassing situation, we have decided to banish live microphones from our stage.

What can I do on the Archon Masquerade stage during my presentation? What can I not do?

In the past, contestants have acted, danced, posed, sang, performed on various musical instruments, engaged in mock battles, and used puppets and scenery to showcase their entries. All of those are welcome on our stage. Above all, however, we want you, the wearer, to feel comfortable. If you want to show your costume at Archon, we will work together to find the right combination of music and lights to surround you even if you just walk across the stage.

All entrants in the Archon Masquerade must abide by the rules of Archon, or be disqualified. Surprise the audience, not the Tech Crew! Entrants must appear onstage and be seen by the judges in order to compete. Entrants may not approach the stage judges during the show. No real weapons may appear on stage without prior approval of the stage crew. For a more complete list of rules, click here.


To be updated as we get closer to the event.

Grand Masquerade Downloads
Document Format
Grand Masquerade Costumer Registration Form PDF

Grand Masquerade Director

Sheila Lenkman

Require Power?

Exhibitors can request power and/or equipment for their booth by filling out the Gateway Convention Center Exhibitor Work Order Form Prior to filling out the form, please read through Gateway Convention Center's Exhibitor Rules Pages 2 & 3 of the Exhibitor Work Order Form. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER TO RECEIVE ADVANCE RATES! The form with payment can be mailed to One Gateway Drive, Collinsville, IL 62234 or faxed to a dedicated fax line at Gateway Center, which is 618-345-9024 with your credit card information.

Any party requiring electricity for their assigned space should indicate so to the department coordinator.

Special Event Tax Collection Report and Payment Coupon

The State of Illinois requires ALL vendors to collect sales tax. Vendors who do not have an Illinois State Tax ID Number will need to fill out a Special Event Tax Collection Report and Payment Coupon (available from the Dealer's Room staff). We will make this document available in August or it can be obtained from your coordinator.

Learn more at: Taxes at Fairs, Festivals, Flea Markets, and Craft Shows

Return to Top of this section or Home.


Archon's Lexicon, a tribute to past events, those that contributed, most importantly, the fans!

This is a work in progress. If you have any contributions, please send them to the webmaster.

Decade One (1977-1986)

Decade One of Archon Events
Book Image Series Date Facts
1 July 15-17, 1977 GoH: George R.R. Martin*
FGoH: Leigh & Norbert Couch
TM: Donn Brazier
SGoH: Gale Burnick
Location: Stouffer's Riverfront Towers
Attendance: 253
Chairs: Barb Fitzsimmons, Tim Hays
2 July 14-16, 1978 GoH: C.J. Cherryh*
FGoH: Rusty Hevelin*
Location: Stan Musial & Biggies St. Louis Hilton Inn
Attendance: 590
Chairs: Barb Fitzsimmons John Novak
Archon archive image 2. 3 July 13-15, 1979 GoH: Joe Haldeman*
FGoH: Lesleigh Couch (Luttrell), Hank Luttrell
Location: Stan Musial & Biggies St. Louis Hilton Inn
Attendance: 630
Chairs: Barb Fitzsimmons, Karl Kuhlman
Archon archive image 4. 4 July 11-13, 1980 GoH: Bob Bloch*, Bob Tucker*
TM: Ed Bryant*
Location: Chase-Park Plaza Hotel
Attendance: 878
Chair: Craig Ware
Archon archive image 5. 5 July 10-12, 1981 GoH: Tanith Lee
FGoH: Joan Hanke Woods
TM: Charles L. Grant (could not attend due to being in the hospital, so Archon 12 (1988) wasn't really a repeat)
Location: Chase-Park Plaza Hotel
Attendance: 1229
Chairs: Jillian Bakke, John Brooks
Archon archive image 6. 6 July 23-25, 1982 GoH: Stephen King
FGoH: Walt Liebscher
TM: Bob Bloch*
Location: Chase-Park Plaza Hotel
Attendance: ~1750
Chairs: Jillian Bakke, John Brooks
7coversm 7 July 22-24, 1983 GoH: Gene Wolfe
FGoH: Fred Haskell
TM: Howard Waldrop*
Location: Chase-Park Plaza Hotel
Attendance: ~1200
Chair: John Brooks
Vice-Chairs: Jillian Bakke, Donna Sutton
8coversm 8 July 13-15, 1984 GoH: L. Sprague de Camp, Catherine Crook de Camp
AGoH: Jack Gaughan
TM: C.J. Cherryh*
Location: Henry VIII Hotel
Attendance: ~1200
Chairs: Donna Sutton, John Brooks
9 July 12-14, 1985 GoH: R.A. MacAvoy
AGoH: Rowena Morrill
TM: Suzette Hadin Elgin
Location: Henry VIII Hotel
Attendance: ~1200
Chair: Genie Yaffe
Vice-Chair: Amy Verseman
10 July 25-27, 1986 GoH: Frederik Pohl
AGoH: Dell Harris
TM: Victor Milan*
Location: Clarion Hotel (ex-Stouffer's Riverfront Towers)
Attendance: ~1200
Chairs: Michel Durland, Laura LeHew

Decade Two (1987-1996)

Decade Two of Archon Events
Book Image Series Date Facts
11 July 10-12, 1987 GoH: Glen Cook*
AGoH: Keith Berdak
FGoH: Nancy Nutt
TM: James P. Hogan
Location: Henry VIII Hotel
Attendance: ~1200
Chairs: David Verseman, Judi Cook
12 July 15-17, 1988 GoH: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
GoH: Real Musgrave
FGoH: Martha Beck
SGoH: Dennis Etchison
TM: Charles L. Grant
Location: Henry VIII Hotel
Attendance: ~1400?
Chair: Michelle Tenney
13 July 21-23, 1989 GoH: David Brin
AGoH: Frank Kelly-Freas
FGoH: Julius Schwartz*
TM: Bob Tucker*
Location: Henry VIII Hotel
Attendance: ~1500?
Chairs: Michelle (Tenney) Zellich, Rich Zellich
14 June 22-24, 1990 SGoH: [All the Wild Cards personnel invited] Ed Bryant* Victor Milan* Walton Simons Leanne C. Harper John J.Miller Melinda Snodgrass Stephen Leigh Gail Miller Walter Jon Williams George R.R. Martin* Betsy Mitchell William F. Wu
Location: Henry VIII Hotel
Attendance: ~1600?
Chair: Rich Zellich
15 July 12-14, 1991 GoH: Emma Bull & Will Shetterly
AGoH: Steve & Fran Scherer
FGoH: Jim & Kim Elmore
TM: Brian & Donna Thomsen
Location: Henry VIII Hotel
Attendance: ~1750?
Chair: Rich Zellich
16 July 10-12, 1992 GoH: John Varley
AGoH: Don Maitz
FGoH: Roger Tener
* TM: Ricia Mainhardt
Location: Henry VIII Hotel
Attendance: ~1950
Chairs: Rich Zellich, Les Haven
17 June 25-27, 1993 GoH: Howard Waldrop*
AGoH: Carl Lundgren
FGoH: Richard Cross, Tom Seymour Ted Smith J.D. Streett IV
TM: Roger Zelazny
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL) Attendance: ~1050 Chair: Les Haven
18 June 24-26, 1994 GoH: Jack Chalker
AGoH: Robert "J.R." Daniels
FGoH: Elliott "Elst" Weinstein
TM: Martha Soukup
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: ~1450
Chairs: Rich Zellich Jeanne Norris
19 June 23-25, 1995 GoH: Jack Williamson
AGoH: Doug Chaffee
FGoH: First Fandom
SGoH: A. E. van Vogt
TM: Sam Moskowitz
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL) Attendance: ~1750
Chairs: Jeanne Norris Judi Cook
20 October 4-6, 1996 GoH: Ray Bradbury
AGoH: Ray Harryhausen
FGoH: Forrest J. Ackerman*
TM: Julius Schwartz*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL) Attendance: ~2150
Chair: Jeanne Norris

Decade Three (1997-2006)

Decade Three of Archon Events
Book Image Series Date Facts
21 October 3-5, 1997 GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold
AGoH: Mary Hanson-Roberts
FGoH: Barbara (Fitzsimmons) Stewart Tim Hays
SGoH: George R.R. Martin*
GGoH: Sandy Petersen
TM: Toni Weisskopf*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL) Attendance: ~1900
Chair: Michelle Zellich
Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Grand Master - Wilson "Bob" Tucker Pro of the Year - Glen Cook Fan of the Year - J.D. Streett, IV William "Bear" Reed Cindy Payant
22 October 2-4, 1998 GoH: James P. Hogan
AGoH: John Sies
FGoH: John Novak Shannon (Craig) Ware
GGoH: Lester Smith
MGoH: Ricky & Karen Dick (could not attend)
TM: Glen Cook* Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 1910
Chair: Michelle Zellich Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Pro of the Year - Vic Milan, Fan of the Year - Cam Nickelberry (posthumous), Nickelberry Awards: Kevin Dulle, Mike Evans
23 October 1-3, 1999 GoH: Gardner Dozois
AGoH: Ray Van Tilburg
FGoH: Jillian Bakke John Brooks Donna (Sutton) Bakke
MGoH: Susan & Jeff Stringer
GGoH: Decipher TM: Forrest J. Ackerman*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 1891
Chair: Michelle Zellich
Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Grand Master - George R.R. Martin Pro of the Year - Robert "J.R." Daniels Fan of the Year - Tom Seymour Nickelberry Award: Steve Swope
24 September 29-October 1, 2000 GoH: Larry Niven
AGoH: Larry Elmore
GGoH: Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG)
MGoH: Dana and Bruce MacDermott
SGoH: Jim Baen
FGoH: Michel (Durland) Burkhart Laura LeHew Judi Cook Special Event: First Fandom Reunion
TM: Jerry Pournelle (could not attend due to illness)
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: ~2200
Chair: Michelle Zellich
Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Pro of the Year - Laurell K. Hamilton Fan of the Year - John Brooks Nickelberry Award: Dave "Doc" Trammel
25 October 5-7, 2001 GoH: Robert Jordan
AGoH: David Cherry
GGoH: Steve Jackson
MGoH: Byron Connell
FlGoH: Tom Smith
SGoH: Jack "BoJay" Stauffer
FGoH: Genie Yaffe Amy Verseman David Verseman
TM: George R.R. Martin*
MasqMC: Vic Milan* Special Appearance: Virginia Hey Animal GoH: Two tiger cubs from SafariPark Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL) Attendance: ~2200 Chair: Michelle Zellich Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Grand Master - Vic Milan Pro of the Year - Ray Van Tilburg Fan of the Year - Mike McFadden Steve Swope Nickelberry Award: Michelle Zellich
26 October 4-6, 2002 GoH: Connie Willis
AGoH: Ruth Thompson
GGoH: WizKids Games
SGoH: Dirk Benedict
FGoH: Les Haven Jeanne Norris
TM: Mike McFadden
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL) Attendance: ~2300 Chair: Michelle Zellich Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Grand Master - Martha Beck Pro of the Year - Mickey Zucker Reichert Fan of the Year - Susan Eisenhour Nickelberry Award: Greg Krumrey
27 October 2-5, 2003 The first four-day Archon GoH: Michael Stackpole
AGoH: Butch Honeck
GGoH: Majestic 12 Games Costuming
GoH: Kenneth Hall Filk GoH: Michael "Moonwulf" Longcor
SGoHs: Andreas Katsulas, Julie Caitlin Brown
FGoH: Jim Murray, Paula Helm Murray, Margene Bahm
TM: Dana Eilers
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 2GoH: AGoH: FGoH: SGoH: GGoH: TM: Location: Attendance: Chair:7
Chair: Michelle Zellich Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Pro of the Year - Keith Berdak Fan of the Year - Jillian Bakke - Donna Bakke Nickelberry Award: Eileen Lenkman
28 September 30-October 3, 2004 GoH: Alan Dean Foster
AGoH: Vincent DiFate
SGoH: George Takei
GGoH: Shane Hensley
Costuming GoH: Jacqueline Ward
Filk GoH: the Great Luke Ski
FGoH: Mike Glyer
TM: Ben Bova
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 2465
Chair: Michelle Zellich Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Pro of the Year - Barb Van Tilburg Fan of the Year - Rick Hubbard Nickelberry Award: Sheryl Haven
29 September 29-October 2, 2005 GoHs: Jody Lynn Nye, Bill Fawcett
AGoH: Stephen Hickman
SGoHs: Marc Singer, Melody Anderson, Joanna Cassidy (originally-announced SGoH Tanya Roberts had to cancel at the last minute, and was replaced by Ms. Anderson and Ms. Cassidy)
SGoHs: Toni Weisskopf*, Hank Reinhardt
GGoH: Troll Lord Games Costuming
GoH: Janet Wilson Anderson
Filk GoH: Eric Coleman
FGoH: Keith Stokes
TM: K.D. Wentworth
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 2GoH: AGoH: FGoH: SGoH: GGoH: TM: Location: Attendance: Chair:5
Chair: Michelle Zellich
Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Pro of the Year - Mark Tiedemann Fan of the Year - Bob Stoltman Nickelberry Award: Stephanie Bergeran
30 October 5-8, 2006 GoH: Elizabeth Moon
AGoH: Alan Gutierrez
SGoH: Billy West
FGoH: Jan Howard "Wombat" finder
GGoH: Steve Johnson, Hex Games
Costuming GoH: Gypsy Ames
Filk GoH: Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff
TM: Robin Wayne Bailey
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 2748
Chairs: Michelle Zellich Steve Norris
Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Pro of the Year - Lucy Synk Fan of the Year - John Donigan Nickelberry Award: Paul Lawrenz

Decade Four (2007-2016)

Decade Four of Archon Events
Book Image Series Date Facts
31, TuckerCon, the 9th NASFiC August 2-5, 2007 GoH: Barbara Hambly
AGoH: Darrell K. Sweet SGoHs: Kevin Murphy, Bill Corbett (originally-announced SGoH Mira Furlan had to cancel, and was replaced by MST3K Guests Murphy and Corbett)
FGoH: Nancy "Cleo" Hathaway
GGoH: James Ernest, Cheapass Games Costuming
GoH: Elizabeth Covey
Filk GoHs: Barry & Sally Childs-Helton
TM: Roger Tener*
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Additional Guests: Lani Tupu, Tee Morris, Richard Hatch Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Holiday Inn (Collinsville, IL) Attendance: ~1950 Chairs: Steve Norris Michelle Zellich Archon Fall of Fame Awards: Grand Master - Collinsville Gateway Center Pro of the Year - Selina Rosen Fan of the Year - Barbara Stewart Tucker Awards for Excellence in Science Fiction Convention Partying: Grand Master - Tim "Uncle Timmy" Bolgeo Pro of the Year - Toni Weisskopf Fan of the Year - Jim Murray Awards presented by groups not affiliated with Archon: First Fandom Awards: Hall of Fame - Algis Budrys Posthumous Hall of Fame - Don Daily DucKon Golden Duck Awards: Picture Book Award - Night of the Homework Zombies by Scott Nickel, Illustrated by Steve Harpster Eleanor Cameron Award - Apers by Mark Jansen with Barbara Day Zinicola Hal Clement Award - Rash by Pete Hautman Special Award - Write Your Own Science Fiction Story by Tish Farrel Sidewise Awards for Alternate History: Long Form - Charles Stross, for The Family Trade, The Hidden Family, and The Clan Corporate Short Form - Gardner Dozois, for Counterfactual
32 October 3-5, 2008 GoH: Laurell K. Hamilton
AGoH: John Kovalic
FGoH: Rich & Michelle Zellich
SGoH: MST3K: Trace Beaulieu Frank Coniff Joel Hodgson Mary Jo Pehl Joshua Weinstein
TM: Vic Milan*
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center & Hotel Collinsville (ex-Holiday Inn) (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 2164
Chair: Steve Norris
Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Grand Master - Laurell K. Hamilton Pro of the Year - Butch Honeck Fans of the Year - Rich & Michelle Zellich Nickelberry Award: Linda Zang
33 October 2-4, 2009 GoH: Eric Flint
AGoH: Tom Kidd (Gnemo)
SGoH: Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca)
Filk GoH: Carla Ulbrich
FGoH: Tom & Bobbi Meserole
TM: Bradley Denton
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 1893
Chair: Steve Norris
Archon Hall of Fame Awards: Pro of the Year - Cindy Warke (Gateway Center) Fan of the Year - John Novak
Nickelberry Award: Jared Sies
34 October 1-3, 2010 GoH: Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta
AGoH: Kurt Miller
Gaming GoH: Matt Forbeck
FGoH: Jim Buck & Teri Buck Special
Anime GoH: Vic Mignogna
TM: Selina Rosen
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Westport Plaza Sheraton Hotels and Conference Center
Attendance: 2155
Chair: Steve Norris
Nickelberry Award: Jim and Vicki Swoboda
35 September 30-October 2, 2011 GoH: Spider Robinson (attended via teleconference)
Anime GoH: Sonny Strait
AGoH: Brad W. Foster
FGoH: Steve Lopata
TM: Rusty Hevelin*
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: ????
Chair: Steve Norris
Nickelberry Award: ????
36 October 12-14, 2012 GoH: Elonka Dunin
AGoH: Mike Cole
Filk GoH: Vixy & Tony
GGoHs: Crafty Games
SGoH: Gil Gerard
FGoH: Guy Lillian
TM: Joe Haldeman*
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center (Collinsville, IL)
Attendance: 2185
Chair: Steve Norris
Nickelberry Award: Bruce and Nora Mai
37 October 4-6, 2013 GoH: David Weber
AGoH: Donato Giancola
FGoH: Jan DiMasi
TM: Lee Martindale
MasqMC: Vic Milan*
Location: Collinsville Gateway Center (Collinsville, IL)
Chair: Steve Norris
38 October 3-5, 2014 GoH:
GoH: AGoH: FGoH: SGoH: GGoH: TM: Location: Attendance: Chair: October 2-4, 2015 GoH:
40 September 30 - October 2, 2016 GoH:

Decade Five (2017-)

Decade Five of Archon Events
Book Series Date Facts
41 September 29 - October 1, 2017 GoH: Seanan McGuire (Mira Grant)
AGoH: John E. Kaufmann
TM: Bryan Thomas Schmidt
Location: Gateway Convention Center
Attendance: ?
Chair: ?
42 October 12 - 14, 2018 GoH: Charlie Jane Anders
MGoH: Phil LaMarr
AGoH: Rick Burchett
FilkGoH: Ookla the Mok
TM: James J. Murray
Location: Gateway Convention Center
Attendance: ?
Chair: ?
43 October 4 - 6, 2019 GoH: James S.A. Corey
AGoH: Mitch Bentley
TM: Caroline Spector
44 GoH:
45 GoH:

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